We offer reliable, accurate, efficient & secure clearing & settlement services for retail payments in Belgium, as well as an information exchange platform providing a diversity of services to the financial community.
Featured News.
Exploring the Belgian Payment Landscape: Trends and Challenges
Explore the Belgian payment landscape further with the exclusive interview of the European Payments Council featuring Saar Carre, Head of Payments and Daily Banking and Program Manager at Febelfin.
Gain insights into the dynamic evolution, current state and future prospects of payments in Belgium. In addition, the infographic summarises all you need to know about payments in Belgium.
Annual General Meeting of CEC held on Monday 22nd of April
The Annual General Meeting of the CEC took place on Monday the 22nd of April at the Febelfin Premises (community room) from 12:00 to 13:00.
As the CEC exists 50 years in 2024, we thought the time was right to come up with a new name, a new logo and a new website.
We took the opportunity to launch our new commercial identity during the Annual General Meeting.
Our annual report for 2023 - validated during this meeting - has a fresh new look.
CEC turned 50!
And we celebrated that!
Back in July 1974, NBB and 67 banks signed the deed of incorporation of UCV/CEC.
Today, almost 50 years later, CEC is a non-profit organisation with 13 members (12 banks and bpost), under the governance of the National Bank Belgium.
The clearing & settlement system is outsourced to STET SA. Next to the processing of payments, a second business line was developed to support the exchange of financial information amongst the members and between the members and different government institutions.
We celebrated our 50th anniversary on the 10th of October in the Auditorium of the National Bank of Belgium

Our services
Clearing and settlement services
Ensuring efficient and reliable exchange of payment transactions
Well-functioning payment systems play a crucial role in supporting a healthy and vibrant economy. And that’s exactly what we stand for.
We offer efficient, reliable, compliant and secure clearing & settlement services for SEPA credit transfers, SEPA direct debits, cheques and cards to support our members.
We are frontrunners with respect to the introduction of SEPA compliant instant payments, which are actively used by all our members.
Payment systems are not just about moving money; they are the lifeblood of economic activity. Ensuring their reliability and effectiveness is our mission.
Transfin services
Empowering financial institutions in the digital era
With our Secure File Routing System we offer a robust platform for the exchange of digital information to support financial institutions.
Different services are deployed on the platform. From facilitating the communications flows related to Bankswitching service offered by the banks, over the exchange of the images of cheques to check the signatures to exchanges with different government entities related to credit activities of the financial institutions.
We are ready to support our participants.